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Опубликовано: Май 23, 2012

Techno-old age. How robots take care of old people in Japan

Elderly people with walkers in front of them or even in wheelchairs are very rare on Russian streets. In Japan this is no surprise It was impossible to look away from the chair with the Navigator and the on-Board computer that I had seen in one of the Japanese cities. Do I need to specify that a person in such a vehicle does not need outside help... "Ruka" for 260 thousand rubles. How can an elderly person use such a "fancy" gadget (a fashionable non-standard technical device. - Ed.) how is the computerised chair? "And it's very easy to operate," explained lady Iwaki Suzuki, and settled herself more comfortably in it. - Use the keyboard to set the route, the Navigator immediately "sees"it. And you go where you want to go." Really, what could be simpler? For those who age and health allow most of them to move on their own two feet, scientists have come up with a device for walking. It looks like a scooter, only it has two wheels and two handrails to hold it more comfortably. You stand on a step, lean forward, and it goes by itself: the greater the slope, the higher the speed. To stop, just lean back. For the completely helpless, bedridden, the research Institute of industrial science and technology, which is considered the "scientific center" of Japan, made a prosthetic hand. This device is attached to a wheelchair. To set it in motion, just breathe on the touch panel. After all, even a paralyzed person needs to stay at least for a short time alone, according to Japan. What if he wants to drink at the exact time that he has let his assistant go? Unlike other developments, Ruka is completely Japanese. In two years, it is planned to launch production. The estimated cost is 800 thousand yen (more than 260 thousand rubles). But those who need a prosthesis will get it at a big discount. Otherwise, why put into production something that people will not be able to afford, the developers argue.

Assistant of the future We are envious of older Japanese people who do not feel thrown out of their lives when they stop working. Perhaps the reason is that 25% of the population is retired. Or maybe because they usually finish working at the age of over 70 years. And they sigh with great relief that they don't have to do it anymore. In addition, there is a new type of divorce in Japan-after retirement. (For other outdated traditions, see # 19 in the article "Cinderella in Japanese".) And if the property for some reason went to one of the spouses, the other will move to social housing. On the pension, which is considered their minimum, - 28 thousand yen (9.2 thousand rubles), the other is not removed. By the way, for example, in Tokyo, social housing is too much... a lot, and it's mostly empty. Therefore, pensioners are settled there after the first appeal to the municipality. Pets are not allowed. But in Japan, they solved this problem by inventing a special robot-a seal with an anti-allergenic coat that reacts to stroking, changing the lighting in the room and making cute sounds. At the National Museum of future science and innovation in Tokyo, everyone can cuddle a seal. In addition, there for 600 yen (200 rubles) adults and 200 yen (65 rubles) children under 18 years old entertain the world-famous robot ASIMO. In the morning, he gives performances-dancing, playing football, and even talking. Its developers (the famous Japanese automobile concern) intend to go even further and create an AU pair, but to do this, you need to teach the robot to feel.

Is the lack of off-road driving also a problem? And the most extravagant exhibit of the Museum is a centipede-like small model of a large all-terrain vehicle, the dream of any motorist. For such a car, you do not need roads, the wheels (they are, however, not forty, but only eight) recognize obstacles and themselves rise to the desired height. The only problem is that there is no off-road in Japan, and therefore it is not necessary to hope that a Museum exhibit will ever make a life-size prototype. After all, the Japanese are focused on developing first of all what will certainly be used.

От: AlexM,  

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